

A Symphony of Shadows and Shattered Truths In the ethereal dance of human existence, where the echoes of truth collide with the orchestrated whispers of deceit, the propaganda machine emerges as a spectral conductor, guiding the narrative of societal consciousness into a labyrinth of illusions and falsehoods. Through its spectral touch, it entwines with the fabric of reality, distorting...

Workshop UI / UX Design (Partea 2)

Introduction: My Path to UI/UX Workshop Facilitation Stepping into the realm of UI/UX workshop facilitation has been an enriching journey, one that allowed me to share my passion for user-centric design with an audience eager to explore the intricacies of the field. In a recent workshop that I had the privilege of hosting, we delved deep into the core concepts of UX process models, creative...

Workshop UI / UX Design (Partea 1)

Introduction: My Journey into UI/UX As a passionate advocate for user-centered design and a seasoned professional in the field of User Interface/User Experience (UI/UX), I recently had the privilege of hosting a compelling and interactive workshop focused on sharing my insights, experiences, and expertise in this dynamic domain. Establishing Expertise in the Field With over a decade of experience...

10% Personal, 20% Random, 70% AI